The Alabama Parole Board’s Heartless Denials: A Call for Reform
Across Alabama, the Parole Board continues to deny freedom to…

Embracing Redemption: The Release of Robert George
In a moment marking 31 years of perseverance and transformation,…

PAROLE: Reforming Alabama’s Criminal Justice System
The 2024 session of the Alabama Legislature began last month,…

Client Profile: Thomas Eugene Owens-‘He will never be free again’
Thomas Eugene Owens was 33 when he went to prison for an assortment…

Cumberland School of Law student Sydney Moore wins Parole for Redemption Earned Client
Published on November 3, 2023 by Sofia Paglioni
Originally published…

Redeemed: Larry Jordan [NPR- “When a prison sentence becomes a death sentence”]
When a prison sentence becomes a death sentence